I need help with technology

If you need help getting set up with technology like WhatsApp or video calling so you can stay in touch with loved ones, these are the places you can get help in Brighton & Hove. You can also use this page to help a friend, family member, or neighbour who wants to get online.

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Help with technology

Help with technology Print details

Digital Brighton & Hove

Free support, guides and resources for anyone who needs help to getting online. If you need help with using WhatsApp, shopping online or accessing NHS services, Digital Brighton & Hove can help. If you haven’t got a device or are offline, ou can call for some friendly advice.  


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Help with technology Print details


Free tech support over the phone for anyone, but particularly older people and disabled people. AbilityNet will try and fix any technical issues you’re having.


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0800 269 545 (This is the minicom number too)